15 kitchen organization ideas for a clutter-free space

by: Crate & Barrel Editor

There are few tasks as daunting as cleaning and organizing your kitchen. From kids' art projects on the counter to dishes that need to be put away, it’s easy for the kitchen to be your home’s go-to hub for clutter. But an organized kitchen where everything has its place is a pleasure. Not only is cooking and meal prep faster and easier, but the kitchen becomes a more pleasant place to gather.

Luckily with some simple hacks and some kitchen storage ideas, a clutter-free kitchen is within reach. Read on for our best actionable kitchen organization ideas. Each section of this guide is organized by kitchen zones to make it easy to organize your space:

Be sure to also check out our article on Tips for a Well Organized Pantry to tackle your pantry space.

  1. pantry organization


    Now that you’ve learned our top kitchen organization ideas and kitchen storage solutions, you’re ready to tackle organizing your space. Implementing just a few of these simple kitchen organization ideas can transform your kitchen.

    First, consider our kitchen cabinet organization ideas like pull-out shelves and pots and pans storage ideas to make it easy to find what you are looking for. Next, move on to kitchen counter organization where you can both eliminate and minimize extra clutter by corralling items into bowls, baskets and utilizing vertical and wall space. Then finish up by tackling the area under and around the sink before finishing up with kitchen drawers.


expert answers for organizing your kitchen