How to Prepare Asparagus

How to prep asparagus


Look for spears with tight tips. To make sure you’re
getting the freshest bunch, check that the spears are tight
and the ends are not dried out.


Snap at the natural breaking point. Use the snapped
piece as your guide for cutting the rest of your asparagus.
Discard or compost woodsie stems.


Cook time is based on thickness. Thin stems will
steam in about 5 minutes, thicker stems may require a
few more minutes.

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How to Prepare Asparagus with Ready Set Prep

Wondering how to prepare asparagus? Look no further than Ready Set Prep, our exclusive video series featuring seasonal recipe tutorials and quick how-tos for improving your cooking skills. From step-by-step food preparation to choosing the right kitchen gadgets and tools, Ready Set Prep is here to help you make great meals with ease. In the steamed asparagus with hollandaise recipe, chef and author Kate McMillan teaches you how to prepare asparagus in three easy steps. Preparing great steamed asparagus starts in the produce aisle; look for bunches with tight spear tips and hydrated ends. Once in the kitchen, place your asparagus on a cutting board and snap one spear to determine the natural breaking point. Use this as a guide and cut the other spears to a similar length. To finish, place the asparagus in a vegetable steamer basket to cook; asparagus cook time varies by thickness, so keep an eye on your stems to ensure they're steamed to perfection. Drizzle your finished veggies with lemony hollandaise sauce for an easy springtime side dish. Once you know how to prepare and steam asparagus, try putting your skills to use on other show-stopping recipes.