virtual baby shower ideas
6 min read
A new baby is on the way and, of course, you would love to celebrate with those near and far. While getting family and friends together in person is wonderful, if that isn’t possible for whatever reason, a virtual baby shower is a great idea. With a virtual celebration, all of your guests can join the host and/or parents-to-be without having to travel.
Virtual Baby Shower Basics
A virtual baby shower is a shower that is held remotely online through a platform that hosts video calls (think: Zoom, Google Meet, etc.). All of the guests join the virtual baby shower from the comfort of their own home by logging into the platform through their computer or phone.
While virtual baby showers have been around for a bit, they rose in popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to still hold a celebration while keeping guests safe. Other reasons to hold a virtual baby shower may be having a mom-to-be that’s on bedrest or long-distance loved ones unable to travel due to circumstances like cost, illness, work, etc. But thanks to technology, that doesn't have to stop the celebration!
Virtual Baby Shower Themes
While a virtual baby shower theme may be a bit harder to execute, it doesn’t mean it is impossible. The host or parent-to-be can get some baby shower decorations like balloons or a streamer wall to put behind them during the shower. Another fun idea is to have each shower guest choose a virtual background to display on their screen during the shower, or even mail them a prop or two to use during the shower (fun glasses, hats, etc).
The next step is to select virtual baby shower invitations–you could send out either a digital invitation or printed one. The baby shower invitations give guests all the details for the shower, which should include what platform the shower will be on, how to sign up and log into it, and a link to access the virtual room. Also, don’t forget to include the baby registry information for gift buying. Since it is a virtual baby shower, guests will want to send their gifts directly to the parents-to-be ahead of time so that they are able to open them during the shower if they chose to.
Virtual Baby Shower Food Ideas
There are few fun ways that you can incorporate food into your virtual baby shower. The first is to share recipes ahead of time that people can make it to eat during the shower. A few of our favorite ideas include this easy and refreshing Lavender Lemonade Spritz to drink, a few homemade snack ideas to nibble on, and a delicious Rosemary White Bean Dip. If you prefer your guests to not have to make something specific for the shower, you could also plan the virtual baby shower at a mealtime and have the guests enjoy what they were going to have for that meal during the shower. There may be a few guests who feel awkward eating in front of their screen, but just remember that this is a casual shower and the most important part is to enjoy each other. If they would like to wait to eat until after the shower time, that is perfectly fine as well.
Virtual Baby Shower Games
Keep the fun coming during your virtual baby shower by playing games together. A few great ideas include virtual shower games like name that tune, the alphabet game and the price is right. You can also provide printable baby shower games and either include them in a mailed invitation or request that guests print them before the shower to play during that time. For printed games, we like word scrambles, emoji pictionary, and wishes for baby. Virtual baby shower games are a great way to keep guests entertained and engaged with the shower.
Virtual Baby Shower Favors
The final touch of the day is a favor to give the guest as a small way of saying “thank you” for celebrating the parents-to-be. And while favors are never expected and typically not needed for a virtual baby shower, if the parents-to-be or host would like to send something out, a great idea is a virtual gift card. It can quickly and easily be sent through email to all of your guests.